DIY Bio Fuel Briquettes

DIY Bio Fuel Briquettes

DIY Bio Fuel Briquettes   People have used bio briquettes as a fuel source, sometimes their only fuel source for many years. But there are a whole generation of younger people who have never heard of it. They work well for camping, fireplaces and wood stoves. Making your own and saving them for emergencies, camping …

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Self-sufficient Goat Keeping

 Self-sufficient Goat Keeping  Before deciding to raise goats, rabbits, chickens or any critter typically classified as a farm animal there are many things that need to be taken into consideration.  Pygmy goats and miniature pigs have become to many like a household pet! They are not the same as a dog or cat or other typically domesticated animal. Just like any …

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Surviving a Tornado

Surviving a Tornado

Surviving a Tornado I am a survivor or multiple tornados after spending many years in “tornado” alley. They are unpredictable and strike with very little warning. The temp suddenly seems to drop, the world becomes quiet and if you are not paying attention……the next thing you hear is what sounds like a freight train coming …

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Combining Your Tomato & Potato Plants

Combining Your Tomato & Potato Plants

Some posts may contain affiliate links, Combining Your Tomato & Potato Plants Use your garden space wisely this year, see how you can grow a tomato & potato on one plant. I knew you could do this with certain trees and bushes, but didn’t know you could do so with vegetables! This post will make …

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Bullet-Proof ‘CouchBunker’

Bullet-Proof 'CouchBunker'

 Bullet-Proof ‘CouchBunker’ If your bugging in and need a gun safe, a bullet-proof shield and have an extra $6700 to spend on a combination prep/furnishing item in your budget this is the sofa for you! I know of some places on earth including some spots within the USA where having any kind of bullet proof …

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Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile

Affordable Survival Superfoods To Stockpile What affordable superfoods should you be storing? Some of the items on the list are a bit surprising. I strongly believe in storing healthy and nutritious foods. I think it’s more important than ever during a time of crisis where you would be burning more calories and under more stress lowering your immunity. …

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Preserving Meat in the Wilderness

Preserving Meat in the Wilderness The video below is a tutorial on preserving meat by jerking/dehydrating while in the wilderness. You will not always have your oven or dehydrator especially if you’re in a survival situation! Your body needs protein in normal times and even more so in a survival situation where you are burning extra calories and using more muscle …

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Open Locks with a Soda Can

Open Locks with a Soda Can In “normal” times this trick should ONLY be used on your own property! If you have forgotten the combination or lost the key this can save you the cost of a locksmith. . In a long term emergency scenario is when knowing how to open these locks could be …

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10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago

10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago

10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago Many of the old ways are how the ‘new’ ways were developed! From backing up an attacking dog, removing splinters and even homemade fire extinguishers! Old lifehacks can be applied to today’s situations when modern methods aren’t available. Check them out at the link below 10 Lifehacks from 100 Years Ago This …

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MIY Natural Ginger Ale

MIY Natural Ginger Ale

MIY Natural Ginger Ale Ginger has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese and is known to have many healing properties by almost all cultures in most countries. Ginger ale was one of the first sodas. This natural version uses a fermented ginger culture and brings back that old fashion soda taste. To get …

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