Potatoes as a Survival Crop

Potatoes as a Survival Crop Growing and storing your own food crop is the best way to guarantee a consistent supply. Even in the worst crisis. Potatoes have been known throughout the ages as the survival food. Easy to grow, easy to store and everyone loves a good spud. Learning different techniques for growing is essential. …

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DIY Survival 101: 15 Clever Kits, Tricks & Hacks

DIY Survival 101: 15 Clever Kits, Tricks & Hacks An emergency kit isn’t always for a major disaster. I recommend an accident bag be in every vehicle because the unexpected can happen at any time to anyone. No one is immune to the possibility. You could get lost on a hike, be caught in a …

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Sunflowers to the Rescue! Phytoremediation

Sunflowers to the Rescue! Phytoremediation The sunflower is one of many plants that are now known to aid in phytoremediation, Phytoremediation is a natural process where plants literally clean the air, water, and soil around them. When you compare the process of planting sunflowers vs soil excavation and pumping away polluted ground water it is an …

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DIY Camouflage Ghillie Suit

DIY Camouflage Ghillie Suit Wearing clothing that blends into your environment works well for basic camouflage. But it doesn’t change the appearance of your shadow or basic body outline and works only if you limit your movement to stay near what you are trying to blend into. A ghillie suit provides three dimensional camouflage that …

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Drones During a SHTF Situation

Drones During a SHTF Situation If your preparations are for a warring type disaster than this will be something of interest to you. It can go where you physically can not or should not for your personal safety. Drones can be used as a tactical tool. But in the more likely scenario of a natural …

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Dry Herbs Without A Dehydrator

 Dry Herbs Without A Dehydrator Dry your own herbs more frugally without a dehydrator. If you should choose to be off grid or have to be off gird in a SHTF scenario you may need to do your own preserving of herbs for flavor and a healthy immune system. Any herb with a stem can …

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How Big A Garden Do You Really Need?

Some posts may contain affiliate links. How Big A Garden Do You Really Need? There are so many things to consider when preparing for your garden, space, light, access to water, protecting your crop from critters etc. that sometimes we forget to ask ourselves some very basic garden questions that are as important as all …

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DIY Firewood Shed

DIY Firewood Shed We all love Ana’s DIY projects! This one is for her firewood shed. Off grid, bugging in, homesteading, hunkering down and even in urban homes firewood is a necessity for many and sure helps keep the power bills down. However, to keep that wood easy to burn and nicely seasoned keeping it off the …

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First Aid Skills Every Prepper Should Know

First Aid Skills Every Prepper Should Know There are basic first aid skills that everyone should know, but as preppers it is even more important to have the skills as frankly we will be the ones others look to for assistance in an emergency. In a SHTF scenario it will become our responsibility to administer …

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USA Debt Meltdown

USA Debt Meltdown Many people believe a total economic collapse is only a matter of time due to debt and this article speaks to that. I can only say that I hope they are wrong and that we will find our way back to financial health as a country and as individual citizens and that if …

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