Preppers: Keeping it Real

Preppers: Keeping it Real The most often given advice to new preppers is prepare first for the most likely disaster in your area and build from there. For the majority of us the more self reliant we can become the better and the longer we can be self sufficient the better chance we have of surviving …

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50 MIY Items

50 MIY Items We have become very reliant on our local supermarket and these days scratch cooking is almost considered an alterative skill. Not just for food and drink either, we rely on manufactured hygiene products, cleaning products,  and household goods in general. Making these items yourself saves money, cuts down on the chemicals and …

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DIY Restore a Wood Stove

DIY Restore a Wood Stove Whether you are off or on the grid, having a wood burning stove as a backup is smart. They provide a cooking surface and heat. You can still find some of these old beauties but restoring them professionally is costly. The featured article gives step by step instructions to restore your rummage …

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DIY Cigar Survival Fishing Kit

DIY Preparedness: Cigar Survival Fishing Kit Many folks include fishing gear as part of their bug out, get home, and 72 hour bags. Your normal sport fishing kit however, is a little on the large size to carry in your emergency bags. There are just so many other items that are perhaps a higher priority. But  If your …

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Survival Uses for Bamboo

Survival Uses for Bamboo Bamboo is an extremely versatile plant.  If the shoots are harvested during the first couple of weeks of growth they may be cooked and eaten, its a great plant for use as natural fencing for both Urban dwellers and homesteaders marking property lines and providing privacy,  its often used for making cooking utensils and is being used as a …

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5 Best Bug-out Locations in the US

5 Best Bug-out Locations in the US Preppers talk about bugging out on a regular basis in fear of riots, looting and being able to forage and hunt for food and water. Those whose plan A is to bug in worry about those same issues just plan for them in a different way. So you …

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Tiny House Garbage Truck!

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Tiny House Garbage Truck! The newest trend in housing seems to be the tiny house and some people are really taking that trend very creatively! More and more people in western countries are living in RVs and some of those are building and designing their own out of unconventional …

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Building A Compost Tumbler

Building A  Compost Tumbler DIY instructions for a nifty tumbler style composter. A tumbler type composter can be so much easier to use than the traditional open pile or enclosed bin. No stirring required. You simply add water now and again and turn the crank! For a list of materials and how to instructions continue at …

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Aloe Vera Called The Immortality Plant

Aloe Vera Called The Immortality Plant It seems that almost every skin product that involves healing everything from aging to burns includes aloe. The Ancient Egyptians called it the Plant of Immortality for it’s skin healing properties and it was used by the Native Americans for everything skin related for centuries. Did you know however, …

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The Very Best Backup Plan

The Very Best Backup Plan We talk a lot about having a plan and a backup plan. Often our plan B is to have a duplicates of the gear and necessities to carry out our plan A. However, what really truly is our best back up plan for any situation whether it be in “normal” times or …

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