DIY a Large Solar Panel from Yard Solar Lights One of the best things about preppers and homesteaders is that they are some of the most creative and resourceful people around. Nothing goes to waste and almost everything can be repurposed after it’s original use is no longer needed or no longer works as intended. …
Harvesting Rainwater for Residential Water Security
Harvesting Rainwater for Residential Water Security Water next to shelter is the most important of human needs. It is topped by shelter only if you’re in an area where the environmental elements will do you in before the need for water. The human body can go only three days without water, and during those three …
Farson Blade Survival Tool Review
Farson Blade Survival Tool Review As preppers and homesteaders, we hear a lot about tools. But which tool is worth the investment? Will they really work as advertised? Are they dual purpose? Do they really save the time and energy they claim, or would the purchase be a waste of time and money? The featured article gives …
DIY Plumbing Pipe Firewood Holder
DIY Plumbing Pipe Firewood Holder We feature a number of outdoor firewood sheds, bins, etc. But this one is for use indoors. It appears to be a fairly easy DIY project using plumbers pipe and best of all it’s on wheels! Not only would it fit into just about any style of home, but it …
Medicinal Trees
Medicinal Trees There are a number of trees common to North America that can be used year-round for medical purposes. Knowing which trees and for which maladies they are good for is indeed a skill worth learning. As always remember any information you obtain here is never intended to replace the advice nor the medications …
Constructing a Shipping Container Cabin
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Constructing a Shipping Container Cabin We have seen several end results of homes built from shipping containers both those above and below ground. However, this is the first one that has shown the process from deciding on a floor plan all the way through the actual framing and building. …
Important Steps to be Implemented in Your Crisis Plan
Important Steps to be Implemented in Your Crisis Plan People often wonder and ask why we do not allow political discussion on our Facebook page. The obvious reason of course is that it sets an argumentative environment. But that isn’t the main reason. It’s because we are about the surviving whatever crisis comes our way …
Redefining Bugging Out
Redefining Bugging Out Many confuse bugging out with the idea of never coming back. In truth most of us hope to and plan to return. No single human can carry all that is needed if planning to stay on the road permanently. So, the most important items are those that can help you keep going …
101+ Dehydrating Recipes
101+ Dehydrating Recipes Dehydrating and drying of your foods is an excellent method of preserving in a way that is much easier to save and store than traditional canning or smoking. Much lighter and smaller to fit both in your pantry and in your backpack or BOB. I even keep a few in my accident …
9 Antibiotics Prepper’s Should Know
9 Antibiotics Prepper’s Should Know There are many needless deaths every year in every country due to the lack of antibiotics. Mainly because people don’t realize they are sick enough to or have an illness that requires them. You might be tempted to over look medication like antibiotics thinking that because you don’t use them …