SHTF First Aid – for Burn Victims Unfortunately in an emergency situation YOU may be the first responder and in a SHTF crisis perhaps the only responder. There are basic first aid proceedures we all should know for everyday life for example CPR. It should be considered however, that if you are preparing for a major disaster there may not …
Starting Your Compost Pile
STARTING YOUR COMPOST PILE With all the rains we’ve had this Spring and early Summer, you should have quite a bit of “Greens” ( grass clippings and prunings from trees ) that you could add to some of the ” Browns ” listed below to ge…t your Compost Pile off to a early start. Anything …
Bio-Gas FAQ & MIY Instructions
Bio-Gas FAQ & MIY Instructions The state of Florida has put together a pretty good web site on bio-gas. Featured is the question and answer page they have put together. I am surprised that it seems to be a fairly simple process and isn’t used more! The graphic pictured is a nice overview of the …
30 Essentials That should be in Your Vehicle
30 Essentials That should be in Your Vehicle Most of us carry an emergency bag of essentials in our vehicles during inclement weather especially in the northern United States and Canada. However, we should be carrying an emergency bag in our vehicles year round regardless of the climate in your area. Being stranded in a …
DIY Beehive In A Jar
DIY Beehive In A Jar With some research on types of bees and the right materials even if you live in an urban area you can have your own beehive and home canned honey! Nature’s own sweetness and one of the most common ingredients in home remedies, unlimited honey would be nice for now and …
DIY Multipurpose Drawstring Paracord Bag
DIY Multipurpose Drawstring Paracord Bag The project featured here was apparently Faiza007’s entry into a contest. I don’t know if he/she won that contest but the bag itself is a winner! As our world becomes more earth conscious many of us are choosing not to use plastic bags as often anymore but to bring our …
Homemade Decongestant
Homemade Decongestant One never feels worse than when you can’t breath functionally. you need a decongestant quick! You can run to the pharmacy and get something over the counter to assist in clearing you up, or you can go to your family physician who will recommend something usually over the counter to help. But before …
MIY Powdered Eggs
MIY Powdered Eggs Eggs are literally the glue of baked goods and an excellent source of protein. Unless you have your own livestock and assuming your livestock survived whatever disaster scenario has befallen you, they will become more difficult to obtain. Choices may also have to be made egg vs chicken if things get difficult enough. The …
Boiling Water in a Plastic Bottle
Boiling Water in a Plastic Bottle I would never have thought to boil water in plastic! The video below shows it can indeed be done. But it claims to make the water safe to drink. I wonder about that! We are told that these bottles left in a vehicle in the heat can cause the plastic …