First Responders Asked to Help Identify Extremists

First Responders Asked to Help Identify Extremists Non law enforcement first responders are a lot of things. They are firefighters, paramedics, heroes, life savers, public servants and exactly who you want to see when you’re the one in need of help! Now they are being asked to be one more thing…. unofficial members of the anti-terrorist task …

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What You Need to Know about Ebola

What You Need to Know about Ebola Just the word Ebola strikes fear. A deadly communicable illness with no cure, of course the public is afraid. The more I read about the virus itself the more terrifying it is, the pictures of those infected are horrific. However, the more I read about how it is spread …

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Why Networking is Worth It for Preppers

Why Networking is Worth It for Preppers The lone wolf concept is overly romanticized. The lone bearded gruff but lovable bushman making his way alone in the world on his wits and skills. We see him in dozens of movies but only in the movies!  Why? Because in real life he didn’t survive! Preppers need networking and here …

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Morale Boosting Strategies in a Crisis

Morale Boosting Strategies in a Crisis In every BOB, 72 hour kit, vehicle kit and every other emergency kit for my group and family we have packed some simple comfort item. My item of choice has been a deck of cards and family photos for every bag I assist in packing. Considered non survival items …

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Protecting Your Solar Gear from EMP

Protecting Your Solar Gear from EMP Peppers and scientists worry quite a bit about how to protect electronics from EMP. We build faraday cages, convert old microwaves and buy faraday bags in hopes of saving our gear and being able to use it again either when or if the grid is restored or by our own …

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Build Your Own Raised Garden Beds

Build Your Own Raised Garden Beds For space saving and high yields, it’s hard to beat a vegetable garden grown in raised beds. Raised beds can improve production as well as save space, time, and money. They also are the perfect solution for… dealing with difficult soils such as heavy clay and can improve your …

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Weekend Projects For Preppers

Weekend Projects For Preppers Buzz Feed provides us with 11 weekend projects recommended by the Mountain Man. Some of these projects are ones that can be done at home, but most require you get out of the chair and get out there and try them! I grew up in Minnesota and I have to admit that …

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46 Tips to Make Your Dollar go Farther

46 Tips to Make Your Dollar go Farther A penny saved is a penny earned was never truer than in today’s economy. Lots of people are beginning to understand that concept with DIY projects, couponing, energy conservation, and creating power alternatives. Making your own products (MIY) is another way to save a dollar! Every journey for anything starts with the …

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10 Tips to Stop Wasting Water

10 Tips to Stop Wasting Water Water is the most precious resource to life on earth. Everything that lives or grows requires some sort of water. It is one of the first utilities that are knocked out during a disaster and the one that we most prep for knowing that without it we die. We …

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Are You a Prepper?

Are You a Prepper? We have described prepping as having quality of life insurance. Our purpose being to insure that we, our families, our groups, and our communities not only survive a disaster whether it be man made or natural.  Are we what is traditionally considered a prepper? To learn what can define you as …

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