Some posts may contain affiliate links. Stocking Fish Antibiotics for SHTF I have seen a lot of survival and prepping sites discuss the use of fish medications for humans after along term SHTF event that leaves us without appropriate medical care. I use herbal treatments myself and I am still undecided if aquarium medications are wise. I know …
Survival Sewing – Including Tips on Tarps
Survival Sewing – Including Tips on Tarps Most of us have seen the little emergency sewing kits as pictured above. But they won’t cut it in a long term real emergency situation! Great for minor repairs on the run, they aren’t versatile or tough enough for the long term. So what should you put in …
Water Storage Basics & FAQ
Water Storage Basics & FAQ Water storage is one of the most important preps we can have. In the past year we have had location after location with contaminated water. People standing in lines waiting for government trucks to hand out bottled water, grocery shelves emptied of not just water but most other beverages as …
Butchering Basics for Survival
Butchering Basics for Survival Even vegetarians need more protein than we can normally get from plants. In normal times if we choose not to eat meat, we can fairly easily obtain non-meat foods with additional protein and supplements that can assist in staying healthy. After a SHTF scenario that won’t be so easily done. Everyone will …
Hand Powered Deep Water Pump
Hand Powered Deep Water Pump In times of drought even our own home dug water wells can go dry! The deeper you dig your well the more likely you are to be able to keep the water flowing. But another fact of water wells is that the deeper you go down the more power is …
Squatters in Your BOL?
Some posts may contain affiliate links. Squatters in Your Bug Out Location? Keep them out and protect your property rights! You found a little plot of land that was your perfect bug out location and perhaps it even doubles as a vacation spot. You put up a little cabin, a tiny house or parked a …
DIY Emergency Medical IV
DIY Emergency Medical IV I don’t like needles. I can handle the blood and gore of accidents but those needles get me every time! However, when I saw this article from SHTF Dad I had mixed reactions. 1st was man what a good skill to have in an emergency situation where medical care isn’t available …
Ebola – It’s Not Over Yet
Ebola – It’s Not Over Yet Now that the news media has moved on to other disasters and news stories we are hearing less about the ebola out break. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean the epidemic is over. Not even close to being contained. We all rejoice that the 2 infected Americans survived and have been considered …
The Truggy
The Truggy There are many companies now specializing in off road and extra rugged vehicles. The truggy is just one such vehicle. It is a cross between a truck and a buggy. Designed by Tim Lawrence of TLR Performance Fabrication out of El Cajon, California. It was intended for off road racing and goes through …
DIY Mini Bio-gas Unit
DIY Mini Bio-gas Unit You can produce your own cooking gas from your cooking waste! What an awesome way to recycle those kitchen scraps. garden waste and a bit of the organic materials left behind by your animals with the exceptions of bones, onions and egg shells just about anything organic in nature can be used. …