MIY Crock Pot Soap

MIY Crock Pot Soap As a teenager I began making homemade soap as a neat little gift for friends and family. Even back then I realized the benefits or all natural products and understood the value of handmade goods. I liked the idea of producing something unique and different from the store bought and mass …

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Defensive Tactics During SHTF Under Fire

Defensive Tactics During SHTF Under Fire Soldiers, journalists, law enforcement, and first responders all deal with the idea that they will be required to continue working possibly while under fire. This is an area they are well trained in and we should be too! If and when the SHTF we will be under combat conditions …

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Off Grid ADAK Trailer

Off Grid ADAK Trailer If I were to have a live in BOV (Bug out vehicle) this trailer would be at the top of the list of contenders. I love the secondary outdoor kitchen in the back that allows for stopping along the way to do a barbeque or a picnic meal without having to …

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DIY Key From a Plastic Bottle

DIY Key From a Plastic Bottle Have to wait until pay day to get a duplicate key made? Or a long term SHTF scenario has happened and you need extra keys for your group. You can make those keys yourself from a simple plastic bottle as the video shows below. I personally would use a …

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7 Survival Communication Tactics

7 Survival Communication Tactics The featured article is from an emergency manager who has dealt with a number of disaster situations. In his experience one of the most difficult things for survivors in the aftermath is the inability to contact and obtain information regarding family members and other loved ones.  He tells us about 7 different emergency communication tactics that we can …

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Survival Gear – The Serape or Woobie

Survival Gear – The Serape or Woobie When I hear some one speak of a serape the first thing I think of is the brightly colored Mexican blanket type old fashion outerwear. Although the combination of blanket and jacket is immediately recognized as a good idea for survival wear. Using your blanket as a jacket …

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Id & Treat Heat Exhaustion or Stroke

Id & Treat Heat Exhaustion or Stroke Hiking, camping, bugging out, doing lawn work, gardening, or just enjoying a day out in the warm weather all put you at risk for developing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Many people believe that if you stay in the shade, you have adequately protected yourself from these heat related illnesses. …

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Tiny House Truck

Tiny House Truck It doesn’t matter if you want a mobile live in bug out vehicle (BOV), a tiny vacation spot, a really awesome versatile recreational vehicle (RV) or choose to live off grid in a tiny home this is an awesome version to check out! I would love to go about the country and …

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Open vs Concealed Carry

Open vs Concealed Carry In the USA the 2nd amendment protects the citizens right to own a firearm but the laws on purchasing one, carrying one and using one vary greatly by state. In Australia, Mexico and Canada the laws are much stricter requiring licenses for all forms of carry and in UK the licenses are restricted …

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Tidal Wave Survival

Tidal Wave Survival My first question when researching this is what exactly is a tidal wave? What creates a wave of this magnitude? Are tidal waves and tsunamis the same thing? What I learned is that they are very much like watery land slides with out the weight of the earth combined with the fluidity …

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