Preparing for Quarantine Many of us have been leery of pandemics for sometime and have already taken steps to hunker down or shelter in place during an outbreak of any virus. Sheltering in Place for a Pandemic If you’re not already prepared to be quarantined NOW is the time to prepare to do so. …
Survive a Public Shooting: What to do/look for before, during and after
Survive a Public Shooting: What to do/look for before, during and after Public shootings are becoming more prevalent all over the world. The most common targets tend to be In the work place, in shopping malls, and worst of all in schools, But anywhere that people gather can become a target, churches, restaurants, state and federal buildings, …
Off the Grid, Is it the Smart Way?
There’s been a lot of talk about getting and living off the grid lately; Not just from Preppers and survivalists, but others as well. It seems that people are starting to wake up to the idea of how dependent we are on the massive infrastructure we’ve built and are getting tired of paying their monthly …
Convert Washer Motor to Wind Generator
Convert Washer Motor to Wind Generator Wind turbines are devices that convert wind driven energy to electrical power. Homesteaders and preppers both want an alternative power source for off grid living. Whether you believe the next crisis will result in the power grid being disabled long term and want to be prepared or just want to …
Ebola in the USA
Ebola in the USA It really isn’t a surprise to anyone that the Ebola virus has found its way to the United States. I am surprised however at how lax the security measures were that the first carriers here were able to breeze through with the illness undetected. Read about that here >> Ebola reaches U.S.: …
Selecting a BOV
Selecting a BOV Even if your primary plan is to bug in or hunker down where you are, having a secondary plan is imperative. Check out the following links for developing a plan. Do You Have a SHTF Plan? Get a Get Home Plan 5 Important Steps You Should be Implementing in Your Crisis Plan …
Increase Garden Productivity
Increase Garden Productivity 1) INTENSIVE PLANTING BEDS Save space by arranging plants in a grid pattern. The surest way to increase the yield from a vegetable garden is to reduce the space between plants. The idea is to plant wide bands, thus reducing the amount of ground devoted to paths.… To start an intensive garden, …
Edible Plants to Grow Indoors
Some posts may contain affiliate links Edible Plants to Grow Indoors As outdoor gardening season comes to a close for the year unless you have a greenhouse or a cold frame. You make think the flow of fresh fruits and vegetables has ended for this year. However, there are at least 16 nutritious plants that …
Surprising Survival Uses for Moss
Surprising Survival Uses for Moss I have always liked the look of moss growing between pavers in the garden area. Other than that to be honest I have never given much thought to moss at all! Until I discovered the various uses for it in a survival scenario. The picture above is sphagnum moss. An extremely usefully …
Earthquake Preparedness Checklist
Earthquake Preparedness Checklist Devastating and sudden earthquakes strike all across the world with little to no warning. In a matter of moments they can bring down hundreds of years of structures and take lives. It feels very much like the entire world has turned to a roller coaster that you can not get off of. …