Opening Cans W/Out Can Opener Whether you’re bugging in or out there is always the possibility of losing a portion of your gear or having it become dysfunctional or unusable. Under these circumstances finding or having canned food would be a God send, unless what you lost or broke was the can opener! Then it could …
Walipini For Year Round Gardening
Walipini For Year Round Gardening Would you like to have fresh vegetables and fruit year round? Having an underground greenhouse called a walipini. will keep the temperatures warmer in the winter and help prevent overheating in the summer; making it possible to grow your garden vegetables through the cold winter months. For the vast majority …
Bug-Out Bag List
Bug-Out Bag List, Does Yours Make Sense? Bug-out bags are becoming fairly commonplace;with a number of companies producing commercial versions. While the vast majority of the population still doesn’t have one, most have heard of them. Pretty much everyone in the prepping community has one, as well as many people who don’t consider themselves preppers, …
DIY Freeze Drying
DIY Freeze Drying Storing dried goods is an important part of your prepper pantry. Dehydrating your own goods is a very easy way to prepare and store large quantities of food in a small space. So is freeze drying and sometimes it can be the preferred method as it has almost a doubled shelf life …
Disinfecting With MIY (make it yourself) Bleach
Disinfecting With MIY Bleach Everyone is aware of the benefits of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces with bleach. Very few products kill germs and viruses as well as bleach. Preppers and others interested in clean safe drinkable water storage are aware that water will store safely longer with a bit of bleach added to the container. …
Growing Herbs at Home
Growing Herbs at Home Growing herbs at home is a fun, money-saving hobby that also happens to be good for your health. In addition to flavoring up your favorite dishes, herbs are filled with antioxidants and essential nutrients, and some of them have an added benefit by keeping pests away in your Garden. (THE SEED …
Small Game Recipes
Small Game Recipes Many home cooks and hunters already have a stock pile of small game recipes. But the majority of urban dwellers haven’t even thought of them. We talk about hunting small game like rabbits, hares, and squirrels after a disaster event. And picture ourselves eating them roasted over an open fire. All good if it’s …
Penny Battery Power
Penny Battery Power A bad penny, penny candy, take a penny leave a penny all old penny adages that don’t hold much value today. Only one penny saying still is worth the cost of the governments production of the penny.. a lucky penny! In a SHTF situation those worthless little coins could have lots of …
Convincing Others to Prep
Convincing Others to Prep One subject comes up over and over in prepping circles. How do I convince my family or even my spouse to prep and that I am not crazy for doing so! I have a friend who actually would be an awesome prepper. She is an avid successful gardener. She cans, she’s a …
36 Easy Dehydrator Recipes
36 Easy Dehydrator Recipes My first dehydrator was actually a gift. I thought wow what a neat little kitchen nicety to have, I will make a batch of jerky now and again. LOL once started I purchased my second dehydrator to run along side the first. I found I could do so much more than …