The Creepy Fish The Dept. of Natural Resources is Telling Anglers to Kill Immediately

The Creepy Fish The Dept of Natural Resources is Telling Anglers to Kill Immediately

The Creepy Fish The Dept. of Natural Resources is Telling Anglers to Kill Immediately I think I might just have another heart attack if I found this critter on the other end of my fishing rod. I call it a “critter” because this creepy fish can breath air and survive on land. This is an …

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Prepping Anyone Can Do Weekly

Prepping Anyone Can Do Weekly

Prepping Anyone Can Do Weekly   I am asked all the time: “I am barely getting by for today. How am I suppose to prep for the future? Particularly for a disaster that may or may not come tomorrow or next year?”  There are lots of ways of prepping without spending a fortune and some …

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Paper Birch Trees Medicinal Uses

Paper Birch Trees Medicinal Uses

Paper Birch Trees Medicinal Uses Birch bark has a number of survival uses including fire starting during wet weather and is the primary ingredient home made aspirin. But did you know it has other medical uses for a post SHTF world? See them at the featured link below from Garden Guides. Medicinal Uses for Paper …

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Protect yourself from coronavirus

Protect yourself from coronavirus

Protect yourself from coronavirus I know it seems to me that every year or two there is a new deadly virus to worry about. It might be easy to begin to blow off the doom and gloom of these viruses. After all we aren’t all dead of Ebola right? Now that is one terrifying virus! …

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12 Reasons to Store Powdered Milk

12 Reasons to Store Powdered Milk

12 Reasons to Store Powdered Milk   The expressions “Got Milk?” or “Milk builds strong bones” are well known in north American countries. But if like me, you don’t drink milk nor have small growing children, should you still store a large quantity of milk? Yes! There are so many other uses for milk.  I …

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Bushfire continues to affect Australia long after the flames die out

Bushfire continues to affect Australia long after the flames die out

Bushfire continues to affect Australia long after the flames die out News casts all over the world have been focusing on the bushfires in Australia which have burned thousands of acres. Fires have displaced both animals and people. As the firefighters from the US arrive to assist the world watches the struggles now facing the …

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DIY Recycled Pill Bottle Lamp

DIY Recycled Pill Bottle Lamp

DIY Recycled Pill Bottle Lamp What to do with those empty pill bottles? I hate throwing them away as they seem to be in perfect condition and surely must have a good alternative use. I have stored a number of small items in them, made the pill bottle survival kit for my vehicle, and even …

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25 Powerless Appliances for The Homestead Kitchen

25 Powerless Appliances for The Homestead Kitchen

25 Powerless Appliances for The Homestead Kitchen Powerless appliances are becoming more and more popular among the younger population to save on energy costs. Preppers of course have always known that power could be taken away at any time for any amount of time. So powerless appliances are just plain smart and could make your …

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Convert a Work Van into a DIY Camper

Convert a Work Van into a DIY Camper

Some posts may include affiliate links.   Convert a Work Van into a DIY Camper If you desire to travel, camp, or find you need to bug out in a smaller vehicle than a regular camper, this could be just the ticket for you! Especially if you’re an avid DIY’er. Dipa Das took an ordinary …

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The 4 Aspects of Property Protection

The 4 Aspects of Property Protection

The 4 Aspects of Property Protection We all have items we want to protect from theft. More importantly we all have someone we want to protect from harm even if that someone is just our self. So the majority of us know the aspect of property protection known as delay. We lock our doors in …

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