Open vs Concealed Carry

Open vs Concealed Carry

open vs concealed carry

Graphic from DocTacDad

In the USA the 2nd amendment protects the citizens right to own a firearm but the laws on purchasing one, carrying one and using one vary greatly by state. In Australia, Mexico and Canada the laws are much stricter requiring licenses for all forms of carry and in UK the licenses are restricted to non carry ownership. So if you decide to own a firearm first check the current laws in your area. See the map below indicating the law in each state in the USA for the type of license or type of carry that is legal at this time.


Now that you have an idea of what the laws are in your area. The next step is deciding the type of license and the type of carry that you wish to do.

There is the train of thought that open carry stops criminals and lowers crime as those that would take advantage of others can plainly see that the proposed victim is armed and think twice about acting out on their criminal intentions. There are also those that feel concealed carry prevents the panic and fear caused by the idea of an old west type shoot out occurring among those carrying firearms and leave the criminal element wondering without knowing who may be in possession of a firearm and who isn’t deterring criminal activity. No matter which side of the argument you fall on you and only you can decide which is the better option for you.

The more information you have, the better decisions you can make for yourself. So for an informative article regarding open vs concealed carry for the average citizen see the link below.

Concealed Guns Pros and Cons

No matter which choice you make, to conceal or open carry or not to carry at all. If you own a weapon, make sure it is always safely stored when not in use out of the reach of those who would take it from you and children. If you have children teach them that this is never ever a toy and to avoid ever touching the weapon without proper adult supervision. Learn how to care for and use your firearm before carrying by either method and investigate which gun would be the best choice for you for your intended purpose. The very last thing you want or need is to be in a crisis situation and not have the appropriate knowledge or skills to adequately use the tools you have. A life or death scenario doesn’t give you the opportunity to stop and figure it out before acting. So know what your doing before you need it! Take to heart the advise given to myself years ago, if you point a weapon, be prepared to use it and never use it as a threat that you can’t or won’t  follow through on.


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