Natural Remedies for Asthma

Natural Remedies for Asthma

 Natural Remedies for Asthma

Photo: juicingfrohealthcom

Asthma is one of the many illnesses suffered by millions of people worldwide. It can be quite dangerous. Anyone with asthma should have several rescue inhalers in different locations that they frequent on a regular basis. But if during or after a SHTF event you or someone you know has asthma you are well aware that you could be permanently separated from your emergency supply or if the event is long term, lose access altogether. This could quickly become a deadly problem,

There are some natural remedies that assist with asthma. If you have ever witnessed or have actually experienced trouble breathing, you will understand why both having a natural alternative should you be unable to get prescribed medications and why you should never use a homeopathic substitute without your physician’s full approval.



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