MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup

MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup


MIY Elderberry Anti-Oxidant Syrup

Photo: happymothering



If your immune system is weak or if you have children this post could be of great interest to you!

This year’s flu is rumored to be especially harsh. Every body can use a boost during the cold and flu season to maintain good health. The more natural the better.

You can purchase elderberry syrup at health food stores or specialty shops, but it’s pricey. I also prefer to know exactly what is in any remedy or supplement I give to my family. Another bonus for using natural ingredients is that they will be accessible after a crisis event when drug stores and markets etc. are not open.  For additional info on MIY (making it yourself) and the recipe continue at the featured link below


Natural Flu & Cold Remedies: DIY Elderberry Syrup



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