MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

Photo: joshsjungle

The world all ready has landfills full of disposed of plastic bags! I do recycle them as much as I can, but this is one use I had never thought of until seeing this video. I am relieved to see a good survival use for plastic bags because I always have a large number on hand and one supply I do worry about having enough of is rope. I happen to live in an earthquake prone rainy climate. Hanging tarps will be a big part of our setting up in a bug out situation and even if we stay on our own property but can’t use the buildings due to the damage. There are so many things to use rope and cordage for that I am relieved to know I can MIY if I need more than what I have calculated and have in my storage.

Watch the video below for the step by step MIY rope. A really neat way of not only recycling plastic bags but providing you with a cord when it could be most needed.



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MIY Rope from Plastic Bags

Photo from joshsjungle.com