Living in the Woods: Could You Do It?

Living in the Woods: Could You Do It?

Living in the Woods: Could You Do It?


Many of us choose to spend a good part of our leisure time in the woods, hiking, camping, foraging, or even hunting. Many of us, including myself wish we had more time to spend in that environment. For the majority of us, it’s a pipe dream to actually live in the woods. I know for myself and uncounted others it just isn’t feasible. I need to work to support myself and family and for me that means living closer to a town. I need to be on grid to do my job and if I were to go off grid totally I would also have to close this reference web site…. and none of us want that right?!? 😛

If you had to bug out or if you are able to go off grid and live in the woods, could you? There is more to it than just pitching a tent! See considerations at our featured link below

How to Live in the Woods


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 Living in the Woods: Would You be Ready?


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