Knowing When the Balloon Goes Up
“When the balloon goes up” is an old express that has continued in at least American culture for many years beyond its original use. It has become a coined phrased used by many who aren’t aware of its origins.
According to Grammer Monster. com its origins are as follows:
Once the balloon has gone up means when trouble is here or in a period of trouble.
The term once the balloon has gone up derives from the First World War. Whenever enemy activity was expected, observations balloons would be released to monitor the enemy troop movements. As a result, the raising of these balloons, which were visible to all, soon became a sign of pending enemy action.
A Competing Theory
The term when the balloon goes up refers to the large barrage balloons which were raised on steel cables above British cities during the Second World War. The idea was that enemy bombers would keep away from the cities, fearing that the steel cables would slice through their wings. Therefore, when the barrage balloons went up, it was a sign for a city’s inhabitants of a pending air raid.
Now its use in popular culture it simply means when there is trouble brewing on the horizon that is serious enough to warrant taking action.
We all want to know when the situation becomes dire enough to take defensive actions whether they be to hunker down or bug out. No balloon now warns us that the enemy is coming, and the enemy can be as vast and faceless as the economy crashing. So how do we know when it’s time to stop preparing and begin acting upon the situation? In the words of Survival Mom… “That is the $40,000.00 question” She went in search of answers from other sites and has put together a several part report on their advice. The link below takes you to her part one with links to the rest
How will you know when the balloon goes up? Advice from survival experts,
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