Jello Flu Shots

Jello Flu Shots

Jello Flu Shots

Photo: common sense home


There are a lot of opinions on flu shots. Are they safe? Who should have them? Do they work? Should you have the inhaled live virus or the injected dead virus? Unless in your in a profession where having the vaccination is mandatory like some healthcare workers or the military these are all issues that we as healthcare consumers must make using our own best judgment and based on our own individual health status.  But in the meantime flu season is upon us! There are things we can naturally do to boost our immune systems to be constitutionally stronger at the time of receiving the shot or to help us avoid infection should you decide having it is not in your best health interest.

Hiding healthy immune boosting herbs in jello is an awesome way to get your children to take the precautionary doses! Some stubborn spouses as well! Who doesn’t have room for jello!?

For the recipes and instructions including which herbs continue reading at the titled link below

 Jello Flu Shots – Immune Boosting Herbs in Finger Gelatin


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