Ideas for Your Storm Room

Ideas for Your Storm Room

 Ideas for Your Storm Room


Storm rooms are becoming more and more popular. They are now included in new builds and being added to existing homes and businesses. They aren’t really a new fad, but rather the re-emergence of the old fashion storm shelter in a new form. Now they are actually inside the home so people are no longer fleeing their homes to their yards where the old storm shelter was most commonly found. Less dramatic but much safer in the long run.

The primary thought when it comes to storm rooms or shelters is protection from the winds of the storm. Add wind to any inclement weather and you have a disaster. Wind is the biggest threat with any storm. It will cause more damage then any other element then add to it whether it’s snow, water, fire or manmade issues and disaster brews.

Our friends over at Backdoor Survival provide a good ideas on the best storm rooms, see it linked below

The Best Safe Room Ideas for Inclement Weather


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