Monitoring Radiation Levels

Monitoring Radiation Levels


Monitoring Radiation Levels

Graphic: topnewsin

Nuclear radiation isn’t something we should ignore or take lightly.

However, knowing what is rumor and conjecture is equally as important. Taking medication for exposure when the levels aren’t high enough to warrant it is actually as dangerous as ignoring levels that are too high.

Below find two websites that allow you to monitor radiation levels in your area. One also offers radiation equipment for more personal and localized monitoring. Being told you’ve been exposed to high levels after the fact isn’t the way I want to do it! If you monitor the general area and see the levels rising, it gives you the opportunity to decide if you need to have personal equipment, need to begin to take detoxing steps, treat or see that you and your family are treated with medication.

Below is both a free site and an inexpensive app.

Radiation Network

Black Cat Systems Online Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Map

Radiation can be a silent killer and with the accidents at nuclear sites in addition to the warfare possibilities it can be a disaster that we could face in our lifetimes.

If levels in your area are a bit higher than what you are comfortable with, your first step after finding out why and stopping it if you can of course, is beginning to detox as naturally as possible. For foods that have natural detox effects see the link below

Foods That Naturally Detox Radiation


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Monitoring Radiation Levels

Graphic from Topnewsin