Being the Gray Man While SHTF

Being the Gray Man While SHTF

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What does being grey mean? It’s the idea that you want to blend in so well with your surroundings or into the crowd that you’re not noticeable.

In a SHTF scenario this concept could save you and your preps. You don’t want to draw attention to yourself or your location. You don’t want the marauders to even notice you and you want the droves of unprepared to pass you by assuming there is nothing of value nor any reason to take up residence in your location. No one wants any of their hard earned supplies confiscated or taken by force by anyone. If at all possible you want everyone who isn’t in your group to simply not even think about your existence!

The gray man is the individual that everyone forgot was there, he/she doesn’t stand out because of their obvious differences or flamboyance. This doesn’t mean you can’t be yourself the rest of the time. It means when you aren’t in a friendly environment or during a long term crisis you don’t want to be the one everyone remembers for good or bad reasons! So your out and about when the crash comes…. remove those high heels, toss the silk tie and blend into the others just trying to get home. If your help or expertise is required in a situation, give it! Then don’t wait around for the praise and glory. Be the good Samaritan who fades back into the crowd.

To learn more about the concept and some tips on becoming grey read from the titled link below.

How to be the Gray Man when SHTF



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