Herb Infused Honey

Herb Infused Honey

Herb Infused Honey

Photo: Pininterest

Honey is one food that doesn’t spoil. So, it is an awesome storage item. Using it other than as a sweetener in baking and cooking is also an option! Here is one way to make yours unique and different!

Makes 2 to 4 cups

2 cups of honey (clover is good, has a mild flavor that does not compete with the herbs.)
¼ cup fresh chopped herbs, any variety (2 Tb. dried) NOTE: Sage, lavender, rosemary, thyme, hibiscus and dill make a good infusion, but any edible blossom or herb will work.
quart size mason jar – or any jar with lid that will hold 2 or 4 cups. NOTE: If using a 12 to 16 oz jar of honey just use that jar to stick your herbs in.

Place the open jar (if honey is not in a glass jar pour it into a glass jar, don’t heat in a plastic container) in a small saucepan with 1-2 inches of water. Heat the water until the honey is warm and very runny.

Place herbs inside a mason jar. Pour honey over the herbs OR use the jar the honey is in and poke the herbs into it.

Stir well and seal jar. OR put the lid back on and shake well.

Place the jar in a sunny window and allow it to sit for 1-5 days.

To strain, place Mason jar or jar (still sealed) in a large pot of very hot water, not fully submerging. Honey will soften as the jar heats up. Once honey becomes warm enough to be runny, strain honey out into a new, cleaned Mason jar.

Infused honey will last a very long time, sealed, and stored in a cool, dark place.


NOTE: Infused honey’s make great edible gifts – they can be used for baking, dressings, sauces, hot teas, other beverages, or simply drizzled over warm bread.


Source: jaagutidrik.tumblr.com

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