Hand Tools in a Power Down Crisis
In most emergency situations the first thing down is the power grid. Unfortunately those types of emergencies are often caused by natural disasters which can also damage your home and property.If gas is available to run a generator, yes your power tools will come in real handy. However, unless you already have gas stored when the power is out so are the gas pumps! Generator power may not be available, wind turbine and solar methods can be damaged right along with your home. Batteries run down and wear out and what you are ultimately left with is good ole hand power. This is when those few hand tools you had tucked away come in real handy!
If the damage to your home isn’t serious enough to cause your home to be unsafe. Repairs are immediately needed to keep the damage from becoming worse by weather, animals or even looters. Staying with your home and where the majority of your preps are, is almost always the first choice of people who are caught up in a natural disaster. Those who were evacuated often wait in long lines as soon as the immediate danger or the storm has passed to get clearance from authorities to get back to their homes. They do not want to wait until their homes have been safety cleared. They want and feel the need to protect and salvage as much of their home, safe haven and personal space as possible. Second only to locating loved ones and pets returning home is a priority.
There is also always the chance that the actual crisis will be the ultimate collapse of the grid locally, nationally or even world wide. Then it could be months or years before power is restored. In the meanwhile your home still needs repairing! Rebuilding will rise, those left homeless will need shelter and the injured will require protection from the elements.
Accomplishing these task will require tools. Lots and lots of hand tools! Like space heaters in a blizzard and air conditioners in a heat wave, hand tools will become difficult to find and the shelves of any retailer carrying them will empty quickly. In a serious enough crisis the shelves may not be restocked any time soon if ever. But your not a carpenter or a builder. So just what hand tools should you have available for crisis?
For a basic list of what you should have on hand and preferably know how to use in a powerless crisis check the link below from Survival Cache.
10 Non-Power Tools You Need for Survival
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