Guard VS Police Dogs: Know the Distinction in Laws

Guard VS Police Dogs: Know the Distinction in Laws

Guard VS Police Dogs: Know the Distinction in Laws


First let me make it perfectly clear that I am not nor is this post intended to be anti-law enforcement post. Rather to insure you are aware of the distinction in the laws between your family pet or guard dogs and the police dog.

If you have a protective family pet or a trained guard dog, they consider themselves “working” just as a police dog does. Their job whether assigned or assumed is to protect you and your property. They consider you their pack leader and your home their own  territory. I know my small dog would give his life in a heart beat for any of us. He becomes visually aggressive when he feels threatened or that his people are in danger. He barks whenever anything or anyone unusual steps onto the property. It’s his way of letting us know we should be aware.

A new ruling in federal court allows police to shoot and kill a barking dog even if it is not aggressive. Sadly this is true even if they choose to prevent the owner from controlling the dog physically or verbally. In the landmark case involving two dogs, one was aggressive and lunging and the other only barking. But both dogs were shot. The owners had warned police of  presence of the dogs, offered keys to the home, and to control the dogs for them. Those requests were denied and the door broken in and the dogs shot. See that story linked below

Federal court rules police can shoot a dog if it moves or barks when officers enter a home

The very opposite is the case for a police dog. No matter the level of aggression you may feel the dog is showing toward you. If you strike or harm the animal in anyway while it is working. You will face serious consequences. See them at the link below

Federal Law Now Protects Canine Cops

I would hope that the majority of police officers will understand that a barking dog and a lunging dog are two very different actions on the part of the dog and will not shoot unless necessary. But as dog owners we must come up with a way to tell our animals when and when not to bark etc… However, when you are not present… I have no answer for you on how a dog will note the difference between police and the bad guys. 🙁

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