Grow Your Own First Aid Kit

Grow Your Own First Aid Kit

Grow Your Own First Aid Kit

Photo: prepperbroadcasting.com_

The first rule of using herbal medicine is to never replace your doctor’s advice with such remedies. Then insure that any herb used is cleared by your physician to avoid side effects or drug interactions. Just because it’s herbal doesn’t mean it’s safe. Our modern day medicines are often based on these herbs or a synthetic form of them. They are real medications and can cause real reactions within your body… some as intended and some not expected nor intended. However these herbs can be very useful in your first aid kit.

If you take the time to learn them, how to use them and when to use them. They could be a life saver if or when a time comes when there may not be access to professional medical care. You may also find them useful for todays less serious uses. I am fortune enough to have a doctor who knows about these remedies and has on at least two occasions ok’d or recommended their use rather than a more expensive pharmaceutical drug. Not only did they work but with less side effects, faster and less expensive.

For help in growing your own first aid kit, take a look at our featured article below from Preparedness Mama

. Grow a Sustainable First Aid Kit

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Grow Your Own First Aid Kit

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