Off Grid Laundry Options

Off Grid Laundry Options

Off Grid Laundry Options

Photo from National Geographic

Laundry seems simple enough on or off the grid. Unless you are a new prepper, and this is something you hadn’t yet considered. As a old timer I must admit there were a couple of ideas in the article I had not thought of!

I think the idea of using what I call a janitor bucket for off grid laundry is genius. I do have off grid laundry supplies. I believe too many preppers especially the new ones tend to think, “I will be too busy with the business of staying alive to be fussing with laundry!” Initially that may be correct. But I plan on out surviving the precipitating event and beyond! So eventually I am going to want and need clean clothing.

Having clean clothing may not be a priority right off the bat, staying alive is, however, when the crisis begins to stabilize to the point of daily living this will be important. Not only for hygiene reasons to prevent the spread of illness and infestations but for morale. We need to maintain our humanity when we can to continue the onward fight to go forward. So check out the featured article, it may help you set up a new off grid laundry system or give you ideas on improving your current preparations.

Preppernomics: How to do Your Laundry by Hand


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