Getting Started Check List

Getting Started Check List

Getting Started Check List

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One of the questions I get asked the most is where to start preparing. Whether you’re a long-time prepper or a new one, realizing there is a probable crisis situation that you had not previously considered is common. Perhaps you have moved and there are storms or natural disasters common to your new location that weren’t an issue in your old one. You’ve noticed that there are increasing layoffs in your city, company or in your industry that weren’t expected a few years ago and now you’re worried that you could end up on the pink slip list. The weather is changing worldwide and where there wasn’t snow or excessive rain in previous years is a very real possibility in your area this year. We have all seen the news stories regarding contaminated water in locations where water itself is plentiful and you have come to realize it could be your location next. Why you’ve decided to start preparing or to update your previous prepping efforts is actually important because it does give you a starting point. Having a plan or an updated plan is urgent no matter what you’re prepping for! For the importance of a plan see our link here >> Do You Have a SHTF Plan?

Once you know the plan, create a check list for yourself containing the items you need to store, learn how to do and stock up on. Find a basic prepping check list to use as a guideline here >> Prepper’s Checklist : 10 Things To Do Now! Then take your plan and decided what other items should be on that list for your most probable scenario. Once you have that list under control, look at the next most likely situation and you may find you need to add a few more items or discover the skills and preps you have also apply to that situation too!

You can’t protect yourself and your family or group from everything and with the best laid plans there are always exceptions. But just having that starting point can make the difference between surviving or not and between thriving after a disaster or struggling for long periods after.

Remember knowledge is the lightest thing in your bug out bag, what you learn isn’t unlearned and applying that knowledge to adapting to a crisis situation is your best bet of surviving anything that could come your way!

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