Genius Ways To Organize

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Genius Ways To Organize

 Genius Ways To Organize

Photo: tiphero

Storage space is considered a high priority when purchasing a home. Designers talk about kitchens and bathrooms and the resale value of your home. Not only do they need to look pleasing but as consumers we also check and calculate the amount of storage allotted to the space, and right after that we have our eyes peeled for the closets! However, we are hardly moved in when we realize it isn’t enough! Preppers and homesteaders even more so! One way to make our storage space go further is meticulous organization. The tip hero has come up with some genius ways of organizing. He calls it organizing the garage, but these ideas work equally well in storage sheds, garages, attics, craft/sports equipment rooms, and even the pantry. Check them out at the following link

18 Life Changing Garage Organization And Storage Ideas


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