Finding the Cash to Prep

Finding the Cash to Prep

Finding funds to keep up with today’s economy is hard enough. Then we tell you to prep to secure your future! It seems impossible. But there are little ways you can squeeze your budget. Our featured article below from Organic Prepper gives you a list of 30 budget cuts you could make.

I would like to add a couple of ideas for making the money you do spend. I live just outside a flood zone so that is always a bit of a worry come flood season. Problem if the floods

are severe and do reach us, how do I get the children, the pets, and myself outta here! I decided an inflatable boat was the answer. But the investment wasn’t going to sit in the garage and dry rot for the cost of a good one! So we used it over the years on the lake for the kids to use as an off shore dock and on the river on a lazy float. What we saved in summer activities more than covered the cost. Same  with the camping gear. We have temporary shelter (we are also in earthquake country) if needed and enjoyed tons of fun on camping vacations. What we saved in hotels… again gear paid easily.

So spend what you do spend wisely and look at these tips to come up with the cash in the first place.


Actually, You CAN Afford to Prep: 30 Easy Spending Cuts to Make It Possible


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 Finding the Cash to Prep


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