Finding Survivalist Friends

Finding Survivalist Friends

Finding Survivalist Friends


We all need to socialize, it’s part of  human nature. Some require it more than do others. But it is a basic human need. If you’re a prepper by nature or nurture you may be a bit more independent than the rest of your community, however this applies to you as well. Many friends are those we have life long relationships with, old school mates, neighborhood folks you grew up around, extended family etc. As we grow and change so does our immediate circle. If you’re prepping and not surround by those living the life style it can be a lonely part of your life.

You may feel in order to maintain opsec this is just how it has to be. Not so! You aren’t alone, there are others of us out there. You just have to find us. The article I found today gives advice on doing just that.

Even though the featured article linked below from TheSurvivalistBlogNet is only a  year old some things have changed. Mainly in the area of political affiliations. Many liberal or left wing preppers felt alone in their efforts to prepare as it has been seen primarily as a right wing activity. Beginning a couple of years ago I started to see more and more progressive or liberal prepping sites and groups. I feel this is a positive for the community.. as I always say “The more of us that survive the better and the better educated and skilled those survivors are the greater chance that those that did survive will continue to do so without being a drain but rather an asset to the community”. I of course visited these new sites and groups finding the folks involved many who had been prepping in the shadows for many years to be forthcoming, knowledgeable, and likable. So if you tend to lean left in your thinking don’t assume you are alone.

There are also sites and pages like our own that don’t get involved or at least try to stay as uninvolved as possible in the politics and just deal with the fall out saving our views, votes, and political ideas for our personal pages or sites. It’s hard enough to operate said pages and sites with the current levels of censorship without intentionally poking the bear. That would just render us ineffective if they don’t allow our posts or groups making them useless. A way to meet others in the prepping community is to make polite but relevant comments on posts and actually listening and answering those that do or those that answer you. It doesn’t take long to know if you would like to get to know this person or that one a bit better and can do so through the pages you frequent.

For other methods and places to locate those that share your way of life and values, see the link below

How to Find Survivalist Friends


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