Emergency Rectal Rehydration

Emergency Rectal Rehydration

Emergency Rectal Rehydration

Photo from dailysquib.uk.co

I know no one wants to talk about anything that has to be done rectally. Worse than talking about it of course is being the one on which the rectal procedure is being performed. However unpleasant or not it sure beats dying of dehydration. You can indeed die if you become overly dehydrated.

In the course of providing emergency medical care if your patient is unconscious it is safer for you to rehydrate them rectally rather than intravenously. What is important during a medical crisis is the health and well being of your patient it may seem less invasive to rehydrate someone who can’t swallow or drink on their own intravenously but there are more things that can go wrong when you are injecting anything into the body including air in the veins, missing the vein, or simply not being able to judge the appropriate amount. Particularly if you are dealing with a child or an elderly patient learning this rectal procedure is important. Below is a video from Joe Alton, M.D., aka Dr. Bones who is a real doctor who teaches survival medicine.


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