Easy Make Ahead Smoked Brisket Camping Recipe

Easy Make Ahead Smoked Brisket Camping Recipe

Easy Make Ahead Smoked Brisket Camping Recipe

Photo: ktchdad

Guest Author KtchnDad

A classic smoked brisket is a favorite of everyone. Whether it is a picnic or a camping trip, a decadent smoked brisket never fails to win the hearts over. It is a crowd favorite and is so easy to make as well. Considering that this is an ideal dish that can be made ahead of time for a camping trip it is vital to know some spectacular recipes for making a brisket. We have come up with the ways of how to make your own brisket ahead of any camping or picnic. Have a look at the details below.

How to prepare the brisket

No matter what cut or slice or type of meat you are cooking it is very important to know the correct way to prepare them. Buy the most premium quality meat as you can for the brisket that has a good amount of marbling and had a layer of fat in the middle of it and even on the top. Once you have chosen the right cut of meat, remember to give it a good wash before you marinate or slather the rub into it.

How to cook the brisket

The very first job that you need to do it get your smoker ready for the process. Preheat the smoker and keep the temperature under a constant control over 200 to 250 degrees F. This is because if you cannot control the temperature well then the outcome of the brisket will not be as you would have desired.

Once your smoker is ready, rub the meat with your favorite mix of herbs and seasoning and put it in the smoker. An 11-15 pound brisket is ideal for any camping or picnic and can serve many. Once in the smoker, make sure you keep a keen eye on the temperature. If the weather is rainy or cold you might have to make adjustments to the smoker and bring the temperature up a notch. Figure about one hour per pound.

Once your meat is cooked properly, take it out of the smoker gently and wrap it up in a foil paper and allow it to rest. This step will ensure that the brisket doesn’t lose the delicious juices and doesn’t taste dry.

Make Your Own Sauce

Since the brisket takes a while to cook, you might as well make your own sauce to go with it! Take a medium-sized stainless steel saucepan and simmer the following ingredients:

4 Cups of tomato puree or ketchup
1 Cup of brown sugar or honey
¼ Cup of cayenne pepper
1 Cup of Acid (vinegar or pineapple juice)
¼ Cup of Accent (Worcestershire, liquor or tea)

Let the sauce reduce down until it comes to the consistency you like.

How to know the brisket is well cooked

Poke a skewer into the brisket and check whether you can feel any resistance in the meat. If the skewer gets into and out of the brisket easily then the meat is prepared well. Or you can simply insert a thermometer into the thickest part of the meat and make sure it is at least 185 degrees.


Camping is a great way to enjoy quality time with friends and family and a smoked brisket would be the most ideal dish of all as you can prepare it beforehand and it tastes absolutely spectacular.

Author Bio
Carl grew up learning how to cook from his parents as well as working in a high-volume catering operation while in college. He now enjoys spending time with his family writing for his blog Ktchndad.

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