DIY Wood Stove From Tire Rims

DIY Wood Stove From Tire Rims

DIY Wood Stove From Tire Rims

Photo: Jennifer isavea2z

This is a neat DIY project. I like the way this stove looks. Useful and attractive for your backyard barbeques.  It isn’t a project I would recommend for a bug out stove or even for camping unless you have a permanent  site for it. It’s simply too heavy to move easily with you. But in the backyard, preset at the bug out location, a summer home, or any family outdoor hang out location. Perhaps even in a seasonal ice fishing house or weekend cabin it would be an awesome addition.

If you are able to do some easy welding on your  own and locate the rims in a junk yard it can also be a very frugal project.

Check out the instructions from Ben as given to Jennifer at the featured link from iSaveAZ.

DIY Wood Stove made from Tire Rims


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