DIY Tooth Extraction

DIY Tooth Extraction

 DIY Tooth Extraction

Photo: doomandbloom

I actually own a tool like the one in this picture and the sight of it makes me quake in my boots! But I have had plenty of dental problems and realize there could come a time in a long term SHTF scenario where professional dental care isn’t available.

My best advice is to take really good care of your teeth now while the care is available. You do not want to be at the receiving end of this tool without the benefit of trained personnel nor Novocain unless absolutely necessary. Dental issues can not only be extremely painful but can cause other serious illnesses in the sinuses, jaw, ears, throat, and even the heart. Dr. Joe Alton of Doom and Bloom tells us how to go about extracting a tooth when you are the closest thing to a dentist available.

Please never try and remove your own or anyone else’s teeth when a professional is going to be available! This information is intended for a total SHTF situation when a doctor or dentist is not available, nor will he or she be in the foreseeable future. This is NOT intended as DIY dentistry to save money!! However, it sure is good information to have if needed and the pros are not available!

How to Extract a Tooth


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