DIY Tin Can Alley Vertical Gardening

DIY Tin Can Alley Vertical Gardening

 DIY Tin Can Alley Vertical Gardening


If your gardening is restricted by space limitations or if you simply want to brighten up your landscape with vertical gardening this is a neat inexpensive way to do it!

If you are a gardener at any level you have probably seen pictures of this vertical gardening idea before, however, this is the first time I have found a how to tutorial with the idea. It’s a beginner level project so just about anyone can obtain a positive result with a little effort. It’s primary made with recycled materials and affordable to just about everyone as well.

So start saving your old #10 cans and when you have enough to use in your space, use the instructions linked below from Ciera Design to create your own unique tin can alley garden.

Backyard Tin Can Fence Garden


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