DIY T-Shirt Rug

DIY T-Shirt Rug

 DIY T-Shirt Rug

Photo: suzelac

I strongly believe in donating usable goods that are no longer of use to you. These items could be just what someone else is needing or looking for! However, if you donate something like T-shirts you know that some are long past their value as clothing items to anyone. When my son finally agrees to give up one of his beloved sports T-shirts, they are little more than rags and would be an insult to even give away!

BUT that doesn’t mean they still can’t be recycled and reused. This rug project is one answer to brightening up your home, making use of that would ordinarily end up in the trash and making your housekeeping chores a little easier as a rug for those dirty shoes to tread upon rather than your clean floors. Completely machine washable and made to order for your personal décor! See the instructions for making this project at the featured link.

Make a braided t-shirt rug


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