DIY Lard

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DIY Lard

DIY Lard

Photos: fivegallonideascom-fullcirclecom


Most of us have heard all the dangers involved with ingesting too much saturated fat. But lard still has it’s uses in our households. If you’re living off grid alternatives may not be available. Lard is actually easier to digest and less hard on your body than is butter! However, it is important to know that where the fat comes from makes that difference. Grain fed pork does not have the same percentages of omega oils as does the free range pig. In a SHTF scenario where grocery stores are no longer a option, the majority will be using their grain harvests for food stuff for humans rather than livestock so most of our livestock will be pastured rather than grain fed anyway. Try to take that into consideration when rendering lard today and if you must use lard later not to worry too much about the health implications.

We have written instructions for rendering your own lard at the featured link below

Making Fat: How to Render Lard

I also found a video presentation on the process, that you can see here:

This infographic can be printed and popped into your recipe book for future reference!


Infograph: Hobby Farms


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