DIY Emergency Medical IV

DIY Emergency Medical IV

Medical IV

Photo from Wikapedia

I don’t like needles. I can handle the blood and gore of accidents but those needles get me every time! However, when I saw this article from SHTF Dad I had mixed reactions. 1st was man what a good skill to have in an emergency situation where medical care isn’t available and isn’t going to be available any time soon. Then the follow up concern of ok, now I know how to get that  IV started, but don’t know when I should use it nor how to tell if I am using it appropriately. So I did a little more research and this is what I learned.

How To Start An IV From SHTF Dad

  • Have as much information on the subject on setting it up as you can possibly get

How to Start an IV From E How

  • There are a lot of reasons a patient might need an IV in an emergency – know if your patient really needs an IV and how to tell if something has gone wrong

IV Treatment at Home From MedLinePlus

  • Know how to regulate the IV once you have it going

Intravenous Fluid Regulation From Healthline

I hope that this is information that we never need. I do want to know how though if I ever must be the one to treat and care for an injured loved one or myself! Knowledge is power…use it wisely and carefully! Always choose to medicate and hydrate your patient orally if at all possible.


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