DIY Concrete Counters

DIY Concrete Counters

 DIY Concrete Counters

Photo graphic: diyfunideascom

Building costs keep rising across the world. Even in just one generation the ability to purchase or build your first home has significantly decreased. One thing people are doing to make a difference for the next generation is building green and doing many of the remodeling and/or construction activities themselves.

It is said the 3 most important parts of the home to a buyer are the kitchens, bathrooms and storage space. So, it is important to have attractive and functional counters. One neat way to have a nice countertop at a reasonable price is to create your own. What is more durable than concrete!? and with this tutorial they can not only boast the longevity but be attractive as well as functional! Much easier to care for than some of the more traditional materials like marble or other stone materials and now equally as attractive at a fraction of the cost.

See how you can build your own concrete counter tops at the featured link below and let your imagination guide you to a unique custom look for your home. Links to each portion of the process are at the end of each step.



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