DIY 8X8 Greenhouse

DIY 8X8 Greenhouse

DIY 8X8 Greenhouse

Graphic: construct101

Now while the weather is fair in most parts of the western world is when you need to be thinking and planning for the harsher weather to come. If you simply love gardening, rely on the food security of gardening or are making sure you are fed in an emergency scenario when grocery shelves are empty. Being able to continue to grow when weather conditions are not conducive to it is a big bonus and can be of great benefit to you. This means you need a greenhouse.

This particular greenhouse is 8X8 do it your self plan geared to the intermediate builder. If you have help it could be a beginner project as well. Check out the plans, instructions, and material list at the featured link below from Construct 101

Greenhouse Plans – 8’x8′ – Step-By-Step Plans


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