Diabetes and the SHTF

Diabetes and the SHTF


Photo from Health com

In truth one of the most frightening things about any SHTF event is of course the question as to will you and all those you love to survive the initial event.  Part of that answer is by the grace of God. But for the sake of this particular grouping of articles we are of course going to assume you did. Now dealing with the aftermath after having done as much first aid as you are able to save others, you have found shelter, located water and started a fire.  You begin at this point to take inventory of who is still with you or has joined you and both their abilities and needs. This is when long term plans begin, and you begin to deal with issues like diabetes and other ongoing medical problems within your group.

It is always wise no matter what ongoing medication you need to rotate a stockpile if you can. But this is more difficult with drugs like insulin that need to be maintained at cooler temperatures. So, if you have a diabetic in your family/group or are diabetic, your amount of insulin is limited, and help is expected within a reasonable amount of time, there are periodicals that can provide you with information that can assist for those illnesses that require drugs like insulin. Start there.

Surviving with Diabetes after SHTF

 If help is a long way off or you are unsure when or if it will come at all. Try to follow the emergency dietary instructions given to you by your doctor.

If you determine that your situation is long term and insulin is not going to be commercially available and you have a good understanding of scientific things, you can attempt to make your own. Not easily done but it can be successful.

Type I Diabetes and Making Insulin


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