Delivering a Baby in a Crisis

Delivering a Baby in a Crisis

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Even though home births have made a comeback among prospective parents these days. No one plans on doing so without appropriate training or on the fly during a crisis scenario. I know that women have been giving birth just fine on their own for all of measurable time. That doesn’t make me feel one iota better about the prospect of being the only assistance available to a mother in labor when medical aid is not readily available and I become the midwife!

Babies often choose the worst of possible times to decide to enter the world. I have always believed the barometer and the mother’s stress level play equal parts in helping the child decide now is the time. I know my own children were all born during storms! I also know several mothers whose water broke when they were in extremely stressful conditions. What could be more stressful then a SHTF event and if that event happens to be a natural disaster you can just bet that is when the new little one will decide it is time to find out what is going on out there!

If you are a biological parent or even an adoptive one you know they always come when you are lest ready! Are you prepared to do the delivery without assistance? Even if you’re not expecting a new member to your own family at the time of crisis, someone else even a stranger could be and if the crisis event is a long-term scenario there will be babies born that aren’t expected now. Knowing how to calmly handle the situation and deliver a healthy baby and keep the mother in good shape as well will be an invaluable skill when its needed.

The featured article does give basic instruction without being graphic to help you be ready if ever called upon to bring new life into our world during an emergency where medical assistance isn’t available. Particularly if you are expecting, know someone who is expecting or have family or group members who are in their childbearing years this is a good topic to take a look at. If nothing else, it will give you some peace of mind knowing you can handle it if you must!

wikiHow to Deliver a Baby


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