Dehydrating Oranges & How to Use Them

Dehydrating Oranges & How to Use Them

 Dehydrate Orange Slices And Ways to Use Them

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I love dehydrating fruits! A healthy treat but did you know you can use the dehydrated fruit for a lot more than eating? I have never really known what to use dehydrated citrus for other than in baked goods until coming across this article.

The article is from our friends over at Just Making Noise shows and so many great ways to use dehydrated oranges. When in season citrus can be very abundant and contains much needed nutrients particularly vitamin C. Vitamin C will be extremely important in a SHTF crisis because of its value to our immune systems. Even short term crisis is a breeding ground for viruses and the additional stress lowers our immunity.

Storing your citrus harvest is just smart and cost effective. See how to dehydrate oranges and learn more uses for them continue with Just Making Noise below

   How to dehydrate orange slices and what to use them for


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