Deadly Events Where Your “Fight or Flight” Instinct Could Save You

Deadly Events Where Your “Fight or Flight” Instinct Could Save You

Deadly Events Where Your "Fight or Flight" Instinct Could Save You


We are always told in an emergency scenario not to panic. In just my personal opinion panic results from our fight or flight instinct flooding our bodies with the adrenaline and our minds not knowing what to do with that energy. Running in circles, shaking one’s hands, or pulling out our weapons and shooting anything that moves are examples of when the flight or fight instinct has failed the human engulfed in the moment.

There are actions and reactions when that instinct provided adrenaline could and often has saved lives and taken lives. We have all heard the stories of parents lifting extremely heavy items off of a trapped child to the plus side and of weak swimmers pulling their strong swimming rescuers under with them on the negative side of this burst of strength.

Knowing what needs to be done right in that moment is what makes this fight or flight instinct of benefit to us. Secrets of Survival provides us with that  knowledge in 10 different situations where your fight or flight instinct could serve you well if only you know what to do with it at the moment. See them at the link below (you do have to go half way down the linked page to get to the “meat” of the subject)

Top 10 Deadly Events Where “Fight or Flight” Can Save Your Life

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Deadly Events Where Your "Fight or Flight" Instinct Could Save You

Photo: washingtonpostcom

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