DANDELION the “Medical Weed”

DANDELION the “Medical Weed”

DANDELION the "Medical Weed"

Photo: Colorado Yard Care

Bothersome weeds, stir fry veggie, or wine base, the dandelion has been around and used and abused for ever. They are an evasive species so if you’re trying to create a pristine green lawn they can be your nightmare plant. However, if you are a frugal forager they are an easy ingredient for salads or stir fry meals without much effort.

They also have several medical purposes and are recognized as a popular home remedy. For what conditions they are used, the benefits and possible side effects see the featured link below from Web MD. Remember to never use a home remedy without consulting your doctor to insure that there are no problematic drug interactions nor allergies that should be considered.



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