Contentment: The Quiet Survival Arsenal

Contentment: The Quiet Survival Arsenal

Contentment: The Quiet Survival Arsenal

Photo: dailygood-org

Content is an awesome state of mind to find yourself in. It’s rather rare these days though with all the strife and struggle to do more, have more, achieve more. No one wants to be left behind! Or seen as a slacker. So we worry, work, plan, and struggle all in the name of achieving X,Y, and Z. (insert your own goals here) because when we have achieved this or that we will find contentment in our accomplishments.

There are preppers and survivalists who proclaim they will greet a major SHTF event with a sense of wonderment and perhaps even happily. Because the world around them is destroyed? Because others will be suffering? Or to perhaps be proven right all along to the non-prepper? If they are truly self aware I think they might agree that isn’t why, but because the world will have returned to a place where contentment can be obtained by simply surviving on a daily basis. A world that they have prepared for and honed their skills to overcome.

A very harsh way to learn the secrets of contentment! Is there an easier way? If you think about your goals today they are all really aimed at becoming content. Having enough of whatever you seek now to relax and enjoy what you have earned. What does this have to do with survival? If you can teach yourself to be content with less you will find surviving when less is available easier and find yourself happier now and in the future!

For advice on learning to use contentment as part of your survival arsenal see the featured blog from Ultimate Survival Tips linked below.

Survival By Contentment: A Quiet Arsenal of Power

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Contentment: The Quiet Survival Arsenal

Photo: dailygood-org