Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans

 Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans

 Common Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Humans

Photos: aplus.com, deccanchronicle.com, ecoglamazine.blogspot.com, famous_people_and_their_cats_28, piedpatter.wordpress.com, pixshark.com, and wowamazing.com

There is just something so open and innocent about most animals. Though I am the first to say there are some that I personally feel might be just a wee bit evil and scary! I am sure that without a doubt that is my own prejudice being projected on to the critter rather than any intent of the animal. They act out of instinct and self preservation and usually once assured safety and that your intent isn’t to harm them they can become personable, lovable, and trusting. It really depends upon both the personality of the animal as well as the natural instincts of the animal. I wouldn’t advice ever completely trusting any wild animal because they can act perfectly natural for their species and in doing so cause great harm to humans!

Even with those animals long considered domesticated they can unintentionally cause harm to humans via their instincts, size or by inadvertently passing along illnesses. This is the danger that 101 Ways to Survive talks to in the featured article linked below

Diseases That Can Spread Between Animals and People


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