Category: Survival

Grow Rice at Home

Rice at home

Grow Rice at Home I have always envisioned rice paddies within the marshes of  the Asian landscape. It never occurred to me that I could grow it at home! Rice is one of the best survival foods you can store, so growing it yourself is just an awesome project. It’s nutritious, healthy, versatile, and almost as important …

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Difficult Character Traits And Skills Needed During A Crisis

Difficult Character Traits And Skills Needed During A Crisis

Difficult Character Traits And Skills Needed During A Crisis I have often said someone (usually myself) was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the right place at the wrong time. We have all been there a time or two in our lives. If just one element of an event were different, there …

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Driving Safely Through Protests, Mobs & Riots

Driving Safely Through Protests, Mobs & Riots

Driving Safely Through Protests, Mobs & Riots One of the privileges that we have in America is the ability to gather and speak our minds without the threat of retaliation from our government. Unfortunately this right can and has been abused. Peaceful protests or gatherings can become a mob scene quickly and escalate to rioting in …

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Economy Collapse Preparation / What is Devalued Currency?

Economy Collapse Preparation / What is Devalued Currency?

Economy Collapse Preparation / What is Devalued Currency? Every year the western world inches closer to the total collapse of several country’s economies. It is one of the main disaster concerns for Americans. Especially as we have watched the results of such an event unfolding in Venezuela. Balancing their country’s budget has become a part of every politician’s …

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Survival Uses For Paracord

Survival Uses For Paracord

Survival Uses For Paracord   We’ve seen all the cool paracord accessories in the forum of bracelets, belts, key chains, etc.. Better yet they have improved them a great deal since they first hit the “fashion” scene to include a large variety of other emergency supplies in the buckles, clasps, and wrapped within. If you don’t have …

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What is a FEMA POD? Why Should You Care?

What is a FEMA POD? Why Should You Care?

What is a FEMA POD? Why Should You Care? A FEMA POD could be put into use in a number of SHTF scenarios. Pandemics, natural disasters, manmade disasters including but not limited to outside attacks on our country. They are the points of distribution for everything from water to vaccinations. How big and how many …

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Winter Activities for Family Prepping

Winter Activities for Family Prepping

Winter Activities for Family Prepping The SHTF can happen at any time! No waiting for the opportune season or timing. Each season has its own challenges and benefits. Many folks use camping in the summer, gardening in the spring, canning and hunting in the fall, etc.. for teachable activities for their children. Winter might seem like …

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Protecting Yourself Legally After a Self-Defense Shooting

Protecting Yourself Legally After a Self-Defense Shooting In parts of the world, just owning a firearm is illegal and using it for any reason will land you in a heap of trouble. If it is illegal for you to have a gun in your procession then there isn’t a legal way to defend that. However, …

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Preppernomics -Emergency Fund

Preppernomics -Emergency Fund

Preppernomics -Emergency Fund Everyone has heard the rule that a minimum of 3 months of expenses should be set aside as an emergency fund. This is only wise. If you happen to be a prepper or anyone who is concerned with the chaos of the world today and wants to be prepared. The rule tends to be …

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Buying Meat in Bulk Bi-Annually – For Storage & Savings

Buying Meat in Bulk Bi-Annually - For Storage & Savings

The idea of stocking meat on a semi annual basis isn’t new! There was a time when each family provided its own stores of meat. Hunting or butchering doesn’t allow you to take home just what you need for today or even for just next week.

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