Category: Survival

Will You Recognize the Warning Signs?

Will You Recognize the Warning Signs?

Will You Recognize the Warning Signs? How many times do we see news reports of disasters hitting unprepared populated areas? Too often, even once storm warnings and evacuation recommendations have been issued. These people more often than not, ignored the warning signs that disaster was headed their way. Would you have recognized the danger you …

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Treating Dysentery

Treating Dysentery

Some posts may contain affiliate links. Treating Dysentery You don’t hear much about dysentery too often in the western world anymore. Hygiene practices, cooking procedures, and appropriate medical care have prevented major outbreaks in this part of the world. However, during a time of crisis and chaos it kills more people than do bullets and …

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How Far Would You go to Survive?

How Far Would You go to Survive?

How Far Would You go to Survive? When I was a kid, I recall my grandmother telling me that there were things worse than death. I let it go in one ear and out the other because I was a child! As children unless we are traumatized by events in our lives we think we …

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Who Would You Let in Post SHTF?

Who Would You Let in Post SHTF?

Who Would You Let in Post SHTF? This question is asked about in prepper circles almost daily. It is an important question. Your answer effects your prepping behavior today and will in a crisis situation as well. Who would you let in post SHTF? I know there are those among you who feel you have …

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Knotology In a number of crisis scenarios tying a good knot can make all the difference. But to learn a good knot you need to understand the terminology used when being taught. Fix brings us both with the knotology infograph below Source: Blog This is an aggregated site. Please be aware some of the …

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DIY Water Storage Tank

DIY Water Storage Tank

DIY Water Storage Tank The featured DIY instructions in this post are what I would call vintage! Ron wrote these instructions in 1986. So add a bit of inflation for the cost of materials on this one. However, the need to store and gather water for your livestock still exists and doing it yourself is …

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SHTF in the City

SHTF in the City

SHTF in the City Many preppers and prepping sites often speak as though living in a city is foolish and a death wish should the SHTF. I do understand their concerns and agree with some of them. But face it, not everyone can live in a rural area. Some who would like to simply can’t …

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Camping Mishaps

Camping Mishaps

Camping Mishaps   Murphy’s law continues to apply whether you’re on vacation or bugging out. If you practice now dealing with the things that can go wrong while at a campsite you can avoid many pit falls. Fix has an infograph and goes into detail on the mishaps that can happen while out in the …

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Off-grid EcoCapsule

Off-grid EcoCapsule If you are serious about going tiny and off the grid this is for you! It is indeed tiny but can be relocated just about any where in the world. The ecoCapsule is now available for preordering. There are currently only 50 on the market and depending up the days exchange rate runs …

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45 Camping/SHTF Tips Video

45 Camping/SHTF Tips Video The video below is from our friends Prepped Survivalist from “across the pond” with some really excellent tips on camping and making it a bit easier if you are bugging out. It runs a little over eleven minutes so go ahead and save it if you don’t have time to watch now. …

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