Guide to Using Super Glue for Closing Wounds Sometimes the most is learned and gained from our mistakes. This is one of those products. The original intent in development of the product wasn’t as a glue at all. But the failed product was too sticky for its purposes. This unintended side effect is what has …
Category: Survival
Deadly Events Where Your “Fight or Flight” Instinct Could Save You
Deadly Events Where Your “Fight or Flight” Instinct Could Save You We are always told in an emergency scenario not to panic. In just my personal opinion panic results from our fight or flight instinct flooding our bodies with the adrenaline and our minds not knowing what to do with that energy. Running in circles, …
100+ Paracord Projects
100+ Paracord Projects Just because it’s a rainy day or if you are snow bound there are still prepping projects that you can do! It’s also a good way to get the kids involved with preparation efforts. Paracord is a prepping staple. It has so many uses in a time of crisis. If we have …
Is the Clock Running Out on North Korea?
Is the Clock Running Out on North Korea? As a preparedness site, we try extremely hard to remain neutral when it comes to politics. So please understand that even if an opinion in one of the featured blogs is politically charged, our reason for posting it, is because it is a world event that directly …
Female Preppers – Defenses
Female Preppers – Defenses There was a time when prepping was seen as a man’s world. Now women can and do take care of themselves and often their children on their own. Modern marriage is seen as a partnership of equal proportions with both partners participating in the gathering of income while keeping the home …
Masking Noise and Light Signatures
Masking Noise and Light Signatures Masking the lights and sounds we make seems obvious in a SHTF scenario. But there are both sounds and light emissions that we don’t even think about. The jingle of the change in our pockets, the tickle in the back of our throats that needs to be cleared, the flash …
EDC Concealed Carry SCOTTeVEST
EDC Concealed Carry SCOTTeVEST Some products designed for other activities end up being a prepper‘s best friend. The SCOTTeVEST is one of those products. If you have enough everyday carry (EDC) to fill your pockets you know how helpful this jacket or vest could be! It is available both in a jacket or vest and …
Purchasing Good Used Survival Items
Purchasing Good Used Survival Items When I was a kid purchasing second hand was something you didn’t brag about. Now the trend is reversed. It is not only smart but trendy to purchase used items. Not only good for the budget but the planet. That is of course if it is an item that you …
Beginning Bushcraft
Beginning Bushcraft Busting the bushcraft kit myth is the purpose of our featured blog from Frontier Bushcraft. Author Paul Kirtley discusses the skills required to start your bush craft training. Things you should know how to do on your own without any specialized gear. I agree with his premise. You don’t really know which gear …
Safety Guidelines for Canning
Safety Guidelines for Canning Canning food supplies is one of the things that are done by frugal preppers, homesteaders, and rural homemakers across the world. Doing so safely is at the top of everyone who does so as well as important to those that will dine on these home canned delights. I would always recommend …